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Jenny Reid Review — «Jenny Reid just turned 18...»
The Tour Promises: Jenny Reid just turned 18 and she has always dreamed about being a model. She's too short though so she figured she'd head online. The free tour is pretty short on actual promises. She says you'll get three updates per week, high resolution photos up to 2000px, extra high definition videos (what does that mean?) and access to her personal diary so you can get to know her better. The rest of it is pictures that show she is one of the prettiest young models online.General Impressions: There isn't much information about Jenny Reid on her site but it looks like she has an Asian/American mix in her blood. That's what gives her those good looks and that's a big part of why I'm attracted to her. I want to see more of the pretty girl and the content teased makes it look like a pretty good site. At the very least she's going to be showing lots of skin but the lack of any nude pictures on the tour makes me think she might be a non-nude model. I'm actually fine with that. I don't have to see tits to be aroused.
The Review: The update information is the first thing to clear up. Jenny Reid has 94 picture sets and she's been online for more than three years. If she really updated every five days as the most recently content additions would have you believe she would have hundreds of sets. Two months ago the content count was 92 picture galleries. What they're doing is peeling content sets off the back end and then adding them as new a few months later to make it seem like the site is being freshly updated. It's not. Instead they're keeping some of the content that's already been shot away from you to make you stick around for a little longer. Jenny stopped producing new content a long, long time ago but they want your money (which is understandable) so they're screwing around a little. This happens on a lot of sites and it's annoying but you will be getting new content every five days for a few months at least.
Those pictures aren't quite as high quality as was promised (it's weird when a site lies about so much stuff, isn't it?). They display at a maximum of 1400px and some galleries come in around 1200px. That's plenty good for me so I don't much care about the discrepancies between what they promised and what they delivered. Most galleries have 75-150 images (some are way over that) and they offer a slide show feature where you can determine the size of the images displayed and the rate at which they display. There are no zip files for the galleries, which is annoying too.
Jenny Reid is a non-nude model and I would guess that for some of you that immediately makes her site a non-purchase. That makes perfect sense for those that really crave tits. There's nothing wrong with that. I would suggest that you give Jenny a shot though. It's my opinion that there are very few models online as good looking as she is and for that reason you should give her a chance to arouse you. You should at least visit the tour to see if the preview pictures get you going. If they don't then move on to the next review.
The young model wears a variety of outfits but her go to is a t-shirt or tank top and jeans. She likes to wear midriff baring tops and once you see her tummy you'll understand why. Her belly is soft but slim and smooth. She looks like the kind of girl that just got genetically lucky so she doesn't have to work out constantly to stay in shape. She just has to eat right and she looks like this perfect physical specimen with the hot ass, the tight tummy and the perky little breasts.Outside of the top and jeans look you'll see a few other types of sets. She puts on the occasional lingerie set and because those are so rare and so sexy they stand as my favorite thing on the site. I just love it when she wears something lacy and suggestive and shows off her hot body and lusty skin. She can go outside the box on occasion. Her schoolgirl set with a white blouse tied under her breasts, a plaid skirt, Mary Jane heels and her hair pulled back in a wavy ponytail was pretty amazing and stands as one of my favorites on the site. The truth is Jenny Reid provides a pretty extensive mixture of looks for her fans so you shouldn't ever get bored if you become a member.
The videos are downloadable and play at 640x480 and 1500-2000kbps. There's a miserable lack of information for each scene. You get one small screen captures and that's it. You don't get the length or size of the file. You don't get any more screenshots. You don't even get a title. How fucking lazy are the people behind this site that they couldn't provide you with some information about what you're downloading? You're supposed to be able to stream the videos in an embedded Windows Media Player but I couldn't get it to work. Downloads are fast and the videos are usually no longer than 5 minutes so it doesn't take long to bring them down.
The clips are short experiences where Jenny shows off the goods. Sometimes she's just hanging out in her outfit showing the camera her body from every angle. Sometimes it's a little more interesting, like the scene where she's on a baseball field flashing her ass in sexy white panties. Again my favorite sets are the ones where she models her hot lingerie. In particular there's one where she shows up in white lace and really blows our minds with her beauty.
The promised diary never materialized. She shot plenty of content but she never managed to put any of her thoughts down. There's no forum and no webcam so it's pretty hard to get to know her better. Personal contact is important for making a great solo babe site and Jenny falls way short. Members that join her site get access to four others. They feature solo babes just like Jenny, except these girls are willing to get naked. You'll see nice tits and young pussies and plenty more sexy outfits.
Check some free galleries from Jenny Reid below:
Conclusion: Jenny Reid has created an imperfect site but she remains one of the most beautiful young women working online so it's worth giving her a little bit of your time. She has 94 picture galleries and 40 videos and while she says she updates regularly she doesn't shoot new content and the numbers rarely change because old content is being cycled in while some of the current stuff is taken off the back end. Beautiful young model Jenny is non-nude and while you won't see tits or pussy you will see her ass and she will get naked while hiding her dirty spots sometimes. She poses in a variety of outfits with something simple like a t-shirt and jeans being her favorite thing. Her beauty is impressive and intense and that's the reason to join the site. That, and the bonus sites.