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Southern Brooke Review — «She plays with her tits when they're naked...»
The Tour Promises: Southern Brooke has big titties, a pretty smile and a big ass and on the tour you can preview all of those things. She promises you weekly webcam shows, homemade videos, high quality pictures and candid shots so you can have some idea of what her regular life is like. On the last page of the tour she hits you with the statistics and a few more promises. Check it out to read about the number of pictures and videos she has inside. Also note the promise of weekly updates, a personal journal, message board access and lots of wallpapers.General Impressions: Southern Brooke probably ropes all the guys in with her big tits and then softens them up with her sweet smile. She is adept at arousal and will make a man wild with her naughty body. That's the impression I get from visiting the tour and I would love to be the guy that she gives that show to. It's unclear how naked she'll be getting so she might be an entirely non-nude model for all I know. I'm craving pleasure with the chick though and I'm quite certain that I'm going to get it.
The Review: There's a short intro note from Brooke on the member's main page and she includes a link to an auction site where you can buy her used panties if you're interested. The latest updates are listed and they show that she's been pretty good about supplying you with constant content. I'd like to see more picture galleries and less low quality webcam videos but I'll survive. Along the top of the page you'll find links that look like folder tabs and direct you to the various destinations in the member's area.
There are 115 picture galleries and she's been adding 2-3/month in recent times. Each gallery comes in two resolutions: 1200px and 900px. You pick what you want before entering the set and then you'll see all the thumbnails on the one page ready to be clicked and enjoyed. The thumbs are a little small but when it comes time to pick an image to turn you on you shouldn't have much trouble. If you're a fan of hands free browsing you can make use of the slideshow feature so all the pictures will parade in front of you waiting to be stroked to.
Southern Brooke is a pretty girl with long dark hair (it looks black but it could just be a very dark brown), a pretty pair of brown eyes, a demure smile and a pair of breasts that must be DD cups at the very least. She knows that the breasts are the main attraction for the site and in almost every set the outfit she chooses is low cut so her breasts are almost spilling out. They want to erupt in your face and luckily she will bring them out nude by the end. The tits look to be natural and the thought of touching and caressing and groping them is sure to be a powerful one in your head.
On any solo girl site the outfits chosen by the model are important and I'm pleased to report that Southern Brooke has good taste. The lingerie comes out an awful lot and I'm quite fond of it. I love seeing her big tits in something lacey or silky and it only makes me want to see them nude even more. I like to think about how much fun it would be to grope them and to squeeze them and to suck on her nipples. You're almost certainly going to be thinking those things too. In addition to lingerie she will put on a super slutty dress or a cute t-shirt or a football jersey. She has worn a man's button up shirt in one gallery and in other she will bring out something else you don't expect. She has chosen a thrilling collection of looks for her fans and she would really like you to be the kind of guy that gets off to her image.Southern Brooke is pretty good about producing candid pictures for her fans. She seems to carry her camera wherever she goes and she just shoots hot images for you. She'll take shots in the mirror or snap a picture of herself at the beach. There are images of her at clubs and conventions and when she's trying to amaze and arouse with her tight body she will really drive you wild.
The video page is surprisingly small. There are only 14 scenes to download and some of them are miserably low quality and almost not worth pursuing. The others look good at what I would call DVD quality. In them the sexy chick with the big tits and the big ass is happily posing and teasing. She squirts lotion all over her body in one and rubs it into her tits. In another she walks around in a short skirt and we look up at her ass cheeks and her pussy in panties. She takes a bath in another to get her titties all wet and soapy.
She still does webcam shows regularly. She's done two in the past four weeks but the schedule doesn't go more than a month into the future so I have no idea how many she'll be doing in the future. In the webcam archive you can download 78 of her past shows and see how she performs. They're low quality but if you like webcam shows they're a pretty good way to get aroused. There's also a page where she posts webcam videos, which I assume are videos she filmed with her webcam. They're much higher quality and generally shorter. You'll find another 30 movies there.
Southern Brooke keeps a journal where she shares her thoughts and feelings with the world. It hasn't been updated in months and she might be done entirely but at least you get to read some stuff from the past. You can learn all about her. The forums are almost never used so forget about those entirely. The wallpapers are plentiful and fairly well designed to help you have a lasting image of Southern Brooke on your desktop.
Members of Southern Brooke get 12 bonus sites and they're pretty special. Two of them are purely hardcore and show beautiful young chicks with terrific bodies sucking dick and fucking. The others are solo sites where young models do softcore content. They're just like Southern Brooke and they really want you to come and watch them. Most of the sites are small and they're not updated any longer but they give you the opportunity to get some value out of joining.
Check some free galleries from Southern Brooke below:
Conclusion: Southern Brooke brings her big tits and her hot ass to a nice collection of picture galleries, videos and archived webcam shows. She has tons of good stuff for the curious guys that become her members and she shows her enormous tits in every scene to make sure you always go home happy. She chooses sexy outfits that emphasize her beautiful breasts and look delicate and gorgeous on her. She plays with her tits when they're naked. In her videos she performs for you, dancing and groping and doing all that good stuff that's guaranteed to arouse. When you throw in the 12 bonus sites it's a pretty great deal to be a member of the site. It should leave you hungry for more but happy by the time your orgasm is over.